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GW4 International Careers Fair (Shanghai)

GW4 International Careers Fair (Shanghai)

Following the success of last year's event, the GW4 Shanghai Careers Fair is back to provide graduates the chance to meet with top employers and find out more about the opportunities they have to offer across a range of degree disciplines.

The Careers Fair is open to current students and recent graduates from the GW4 Universities: University of Bath, University of Bristol, Cardiff University and University of Exeter. It will take place on Tuesday 18th September 2018 at the Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai.

It offers an excellent opportunity to meet prospective employers and learn about different career sectors. Big names such as Apple, Decathlon, Abercrombie & Fitch, Bosch, Expedia, IBM, Mars and PwC have all attended in previous years.

How to book: For more details and to book your place visit the GW4 Shanghai Careers Fair booking form.

Booking note: You will need your student number when booking so please have this ready. You will have the option to join one of two sessions: 14:00-16:00 or 15:30-17:30. Please book only one time slot. Please also bring ID with you on the day.

Please find more information about the event and a full list of attending exhibitors in this GW4 Careers Fair Guide 2018.


GW4's Top 5 Tips for success: 

  1. Research the employers

A PDF copy of the event guide will be emailed to you nearer to the time of the fair. The event guide will contain the information you need to know, including: which companies are attending, what opportunities they are offering and the degree disciplines they want to recruit. Use this information to help inform who you would like to visit on the day, which may include Abercrombie & Fitch, Nielsen or Unilever.

If you are interested in a certain employer, you should visit their website to research their opportunities, culture and gain an understanding of the attributes important to the organisation when they are looking at applicants.

Remember: keep an open mind with employers. Many employers will recruit all degree disciplines and have a range of opportunities available. For example, a finance company may have IT, marketing and HR opportunities on offer.

  1. Plan questions in advance

Plan a number of questions to ask each employer you’re aiming to speak to, to demonstrate your interest and the fact you have taken the time to research them. Avoid the obvious. Try and think of a question tailored to that employer that someone else will not ask them today. This will help them remember you for a good reason.

  1. Bring EVERYTHING you will need on the day

Make sure your CV is in both Mandarin and English. Ensure you include and update the following information: educational achievements, work experience and contact details. It is recommended to get feedback on your CV from your University careers service beforehand. Bring PLENTY of copies on the day to give to employers.

You must have your student ID and your Eventbrite ticket for your slot. You will not be able to enter the fair otherwise. If for any reason you are no longer able to attend the careers fair, please cancel your place on Eventbrite so another student has the opportunity to attend!

  1. Be ready to network (and potentially to be interviewed!)

If you have followed tip 1, 2 and 3 you should be feeling confident to meet and network with employers.

Some employers did carry out mini interviews and screenings, however these were not full interviews and offers were not made on the day. Successful students were shortlisted, and the shortlist were contacted at a later date for further formal interview. This was not the case for all employers, some will simply invite students to begin their application process.

It is a good idea to prepare an introductory ‘pitch’ to employers, to explain who you are and the types of opportunities you are interested in. Be prepared to talk about your skills and experience, and be proud of your achievements.

  1. Look professional

It is expected for students to dress in smart business attire at the event. Your appearance and presentation will make a lasting first impression with employers. You should not send family members or friends to attend the event on your behalf or bring any relatives with you on the day. Employers want to meet YOU, not your friends or family.

 Download these top tips as a PDF

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter