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GW4 Connect

Cross-institutional peer support programme for postgraduate researchers with disabilities and long-term health conditions

This year we are launching a new cross-institutional peer support programme for postgraduate researchers with disabilities and long-term health conditions, including mental ill-health. It forms part of the GW4 Connect initiative, a suite of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion activities developed by GW4 Alliance, which brings together researchers from the universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. Previous programmes focused on providing targeted support for postgraduate researchers from the Global Majority and postgraduate researchers with parental responsibilities. 

The pilot programme will offer 12 participants the chance to engage with peers and have open conversations about disability outside institutional structures. We aim to create a safe space to reflect on commonalities and challenges and provide a framework for understanding ableism and discrimination. You will be encouraged to develop confidence to self-advocate, identify your goals and set achievable action plans for success.  

You will have the opportunity to co-create with your peers and shape the programme. You are not expected to arrive with answers or solutions; by engaging with the programme, you will develop understanding and strategies, build mutual support and create a community around shared experience. These discussions will be confidential unless the group mutually decide to share learnings more broadly. 

About the programme 

Starting in 2024, this unique and innovative programme draws on coaching and action learning sets with accessibility at its core. We will provide an opportunity to participate in coaching, peer learning and network building for postgraduate researchers with disabilities and long-term health conditions. We invite you to meet, share and learn from your peers, building an informal network that you can take forward beyond this programme. 

Coaching and action learning sets are non-judgmental, supportive processes for focusing on achievable goals, helpful strategies, and realistic action plans. They provide vehicles for finding practical solutions to challenges while recognising strengths. Despite the protections embedded within the 2010 Equality Act, institutional support for postgraduate researchers with a disability or a long-term health conditions can seem opaque. What are reasonable adjustments at the undergraduate level rarely translate to the postgraduate research experience. This programme will use coaching and action learning set methodology to discuss topics such as:

  • disability and identity,
  • personal definition of disability,
  • ableism and discrimination,
  • accessibility and reasonable adjustment,
  • funding, advocacy and change.

Our aim is to increase understanding and develop possible actions to address these issues.

This programme is co-designed and facilitated by Joanna Hurry. Joanna is an experienced coach specialising in working with people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. You will each have an opportunity for one-to-one sessions with Joanna, and she will create a safe space to explore issues that are faced by the group collectively. Coaching is non-directive, and Joanna will encourage personal exploration, greater self-awareness and active problem-solving. 

Throughout the 10-month programme (June 2024- April 2025) you will be invited to attend: 

  • Two, in-person workshops, one full-day introductory workshop and a half-day reflection workshop.  
  • Two, 1:1 sessions, one 30-minute contracting session and one 45-minute coaching session. 
  • Five, 2-hour online, facilitated action learning sets. 

During these activities, and throughout the programme, you can expect to: 

  • Develop confidence and identity as you explore and understand your experiences as disabled people  
  • Recognise and articulate your values and strengths and learn to challenge your self-limiting beliefs  
  • Identify goals for career success and support the development of effective action plans   
  • Increase knowledge and understanding of disability, discrimination and the legislative framework around it   
  • Advocate for yourself and others   
  • Connect to discover commonalities, gain peer support, promote change and increase disability awareness  

GW4 Connect will create systems of support that advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in higher education. We will provide a transformative experience that creates strong bonds between participants with the aim of promoting the development of informal networks for support and information exchange for postgraduate researchers with disabilities and long-term health conditions. 

Time commitment and Eligibility 

Potential participants will need to commit to: 

  • Attend two in-person workshops 
    • A full-day introductory workshop (4 July 2024) 
    • A half-day final learning and reflection workshop (3 April 2025) 
  • Attend two 1:1 coaching sessions 
    • Contracting session (June 2024) 
    • Coaching session (Offered throughout programme) 
  • Attend five, 2-hour, online, facilitated action learning sets 
    • Session 1 (5 September 2024) 
    • Session 2 (1 October 2024) 
    • Session 3 (6 November 2024) 
    • Session 4 (9 January 2025) 
    • Session 5 (5 February 2025)

Although the dates for the online, action learning sessions are set, we will work with the selected group of participants to find the best, mutually agreed time of day to hold the sessions. Contracting session and coaching sessions will be agreed between coach and participant. 

Reasonable travel and accommodation will be provided to attend the in-person activities for those without institutional funding, and additional support can be provided for a carer or support assistant, if required. Accessible venues with step-free access, a hearing loop and accessible toilets have been chosen, but if you have further access requirements or would like to discuss the venue with us, please get in touch. The venue’s accessibility information can also be provided upon request. Finally, we realise that childcare may impact your availability to join in-person sessions, which we do not want to be a barrier to participation. Please come speak to us about your childcare needs, as we are keen to offer funded options that will suit your situation. 

To be eligible, you will be: 

  • A postgraduate researcher (PhD or Professional Doctorate) at a GW4 university past probation but not in your final year. 
  • Agree to participate in all elements of the programme. 
  • Have the approval of a member of your supervisory team or someone with oversight of your academic progress to engage with the programme in full.
  • Please note that you do not require a formal diagnosis to apply to the programme.

How to apply 

Applications to the programme are now closed.

You can only apply to one of the GW4 Connect EDI programmes: 

  1. A facilitated, group coaching programme for neurodivergent postgraduate researchers. 
  2. A cross-institutional peer support programme for postgraduate researchers with disabilities and long-term health conditions 

Applications submitted to both will be returned to the applicant for a decision. 

Each programme provides equal levels of facilitated and peer-to-peer support but are delivered in distinct ways tailored to the needs of the specific community. To learn more about the programme for neurodivergent postgraduate researchers, please click this link. 

If you have any questions about the programme, your eligibility, or how to apply, please feel free to contact the Talent and Skills Team ( 

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter