Monday, 16 September 2024: X-CITED Kick-off Celebration – To mark the beginning of the X-CITED programme and shape the future of our activities, we held a full day event in Bristol where we outlined our plans and started to form Communities of Practice – through which we will gather RTP input to shape our development activities. Join our mailing list here to see how your feedback from the event has shaped our actions and initiatives.
Tuesday, 3rd December 2024: Microscopy & NanomaterialsCommunity of Practice, 10am-11.30am, via Zoom – Be involved with our plans for the Nanofabrication community and for the opportunity to network with RTPs in similar roles across the GW4 institutions.
Monday, 9th December: Chemical Characterisation Community of Practice, 2pm-3pm, via Zoom – Be involved with our plans for our Chemical Characterisation community and for the opportunity to network with RTPs in similar roles across the GW4 institutions.