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GW4 Open Research Prize Awards Event (online)

GW4 Open Research Prize Awards Event (online)

Wednesday, 2, April - 12:30-15:00

The Open Research Prize Awards event is designed to celebrate and recognise the excellent work of researchers in making their research more accessible to all, thereby increasing its potential impact.

Join us to celebrate a showcase of the Open Research prize submissions from across GW4 (Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter) in the categories of widening reach and improving quality, the awarding of the prize, as well as a host of engaging speakers.

This online event is part of GW4 Open Research Week and is open to all. This year's ceremony will be led by the University of Bath, with speakers including:

  • Professor Julie Barnett (Awards Session Host), Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Bath
  • Dr Joanna Jenkinson MBE, GW4 Alliance Director

You can register to attend via Eventbrite.

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter