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GW4 Muculoskeletal Research Consortium


Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are the second most common disability globally, and are by far the most common cause of disability in the over 50 age group. Due to an ageing population, with a 32% increase in the over 50s by 2030, MSK is projected to be the leading global cause of disability within the next decade.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is second only to back pain as the leading MSK cause of disability and is increasing at twice the rate of any other cause. 8.7 million people in the UK, and one third of the over 55 age group, suffer from OA. This debilitating condition represents an enormous cost to the UK health service, with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs costing £45 million. With no effective therapy, advanced disease often requires joint replacement, with total annual costs to the NHS of around £1 billion.

With no cure, a rapidly ageing population, and increasing squeeze on healthcare costs, there is a clear and urgent need to develop new and effective therapies for OA. However, OA is a complex and multi-factorial condition, with symptomatic disease generally being apparent only in its advanced stages. Therefore, a multi-disciplinary approach is needed, within the context of a large and well-resourced research grouping.


Project Summary

Initiator funds were used to hold two meetings to identify areas of commonality and complementarity across the GW4 institutions and recognise strengths and gaps in the combined research portfolio. These meetings facilitated discussions around existing collaborations and new opportunities, in addition to discussing the potential of shared research infrastructures and facilities. A number of collaborations were identified and strengthened via these meetings, and there were discussions around new programmes of research and potential funding opportunities. The community also reported an increased awareness of research activities and synergies across the Universities and NHS Trusts, which could lead to new research proposals.

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter