GW4 Psychology Network

University of Bath: Graeme Fairchild
University of Bristol: Christopher Jarrold (PI)
Cardiff University: Katherine Shelton
University of Exeter: Natalia Lawrence
Project Summary
Post Covid, in person networking opportunities have been limited and ECRs and new staff have had few opportunities to create new links and build their professional networks. This community used the Development Award to host a one day in-person event in Bristol which provided a networking opportunity for over 100 GW4 research psychologists. The event included parallel sessions on key common research themes and domains of existing or developing research excellence across GW4. The event allowed attendees to find new collaborative opportunities, share knowledge and training opportunities, ferment funding ideas and (for early career students and new staff particularly), to network. It is anticipated that the links made and strengthened by this event will result in cross institutional PhD studentships, consortium projects, and academic collaborations leading to publications and external grants.