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Paramagnetic Species for Catalysis and Materials Applications


In the case of catalysis, the utilisation of paramagnetic species as more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective catalysts is at the point of becoming a burgeoning research field, which researchers in GW4 are primed to be at the forefront of. Complementary expertise involving synthetic chemists, spectroscopists and theorists needs to be brought together to facilitate new collaborations across GW4. 


Project Summary

This project supported a symposium bringing together 19 established, emerging and new GW4 researchers from chemistry departments at Bath, Bristol and Cardiff with interests in the catalytic and materials applications of paramagnetic species. Discussions at the event led to multiple collaborations and raised awareness of the breadth of expertise and skills across GW4. The community were successful with multiple grant applications. 

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter