South West and Wales Africa Research Network (SWWARN)

University of Bath: Naomi Pendle
University of Bristol: Isabella Aboderin
Cardiff University: Ambreena Manji
University of Exeter: Stacey Hynd (PI)
With additional collaborators at Bath Spa University: John Strachan & Victoria Ellen Smith
SWWARN will provide a much-needed collaborative and cross-institutional research community for Africanist researchers across the South-West and Wales. SWWARN will work across all four GW4 institutions, and with other South-West and Wales HEIs, to promote regional collaboration and sharing of knowledge and best practice to enhance research on Africa, boost co-operation with African institutions, and promote the recruitment and development of African postgraduates and researchers. There is an annual programme of activities planned, including research seminars, networking meetings and PGR studentship recruitment events. The Development Award will fund a one-day research symposium for the network, designed to foster the inter-personal connections central to successful collaboration and for supporting PGR/ECR development. Funding will also be used to develop a SWWARN website and mailing list to build connections, visibility and sustainability for the network.