South West Anthropology Network (SWAN)

University of Bristol: Amy Penfield
University of Exeter: Susannah Crockford (PI)
Project Summary
The South West Anthropology Network launched in 2023 and currently has 31 members from the universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Cardiff, Reading, and Plymouth. It was created to address the challenge of disparate anthropologists in the region with limited independent resources and has provided a space for researchers to share resources and ideas, gain peer support and feedback and network.
They will use the Development Award to hold a practical writing retreat in April 2024 for network members. The retreat will include blocks of writing time and peer feedback sessions and a collective briefing on progress and next steps. The retreat will be structured with 3 breakout groups with different output goals: publications, grant funding bids and engagement with collaborative projects. SWAN currently have a mailing list, will also create an online presence for the network, and will hold online seminars over the next year all of which will support network growth and interactions, raising the profile of SWAN nationally to significantly advance their status in the field and build their capacity for networking, collaborations, and industry partnerships.