Below you can find a list of past GW4 Connect programmes and brief descriptions of their activities.
2024: Cross-institutional peer support programme for neurodivergent postgraduate researchers
Due to unprecedented demand, this programme offered 32 participants (originally 16) the change to work with neurodiversity experts and peers from across the region to explore the challenges and common experiences of neurodivergent postgraduate researchers when balancing study, research and daily life. While the sector is quickly expanding its understanding of the impact of neurodivergence on the student experience, most of this effort is concentrated at the undergraduate level. As a result, a neurodivergent postgraduate researcher can be left to navigate a system that can create barriers to success, through attitudes, culture, environment, policy and processes, often through unconscious bias or lack of understanding or knowledge, while institutional support systems remain at odds with the expectations and milestones of postgraduate research. Through a combination of 1:1 coaching sessions and peer-to-peer facilitated group discussion, the programme offered participants a chance to explore these structural issues as a group and potentially develop new ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. The programme is co-designed and co-facilitated by Asha Sahni, Founder and Chair of the University of Bristol Neurodiversity Staff Network and Lucy Smith, Founder of Inclusive Change, an organisation that champions greater understanding of neurodiversity in the workplace.
2024: Cross-institutional peer support programme for postgraduate researchers with disabilities and long-term health conditions
This programme offered 12 participants the chance to engage with peers and have open conversations about disability and long-term health conditions, including mental ill-health. The programme aimed to create a safe space to reflect on commonalities and challenges and provide a framework for understanding ableism and discrimination. Despite the protections embedded within the 2010 Equality Act, institutional support for postgraduate researchers with a disability or a long-term health conditions can seem opaque. What are reasonable adjustments at the undergraduate level rarely translate to the postgraduate research experience. Drawing on coaching practice and action learning sets, the programme provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the intersections between disability, identity, ableism, discrimination, accessibility, and reasonable adjustments. It aimed to help participants focus on achievable goals, helpful strategies and realistic action plans. This programme is co-designed and facilitated by Joanna Hurry. Joanna is an experienced coach specialising in working with people with disabilities and long-term health conditions.
2023: Cross-institutional mentorship programme for postgraduate researchers from the global majority*
This pilot programme offered 30 participants new perspectives from peers across the region with the intention to support postgraduate researchers who face racism, discrimination and other structural barriers inside and outside of the research environment to build new partnerships and share or co-create strategies for navigating their research career. The approach was based within developmental mentoring where participants were equal partners, sharing their insight into their lived experience. Whilst the programme avoided a ‘deficit mindset’, it discussed the real structural inequalities, racism and discrimination in employment, education and wider society, which participants are not responsible for, but which impact nonetheless. We encouraged participants to explore strategies to navigate these experiences that drew on their lived experiences as strengths, acknowledging the added value their shared history and culture brings to research and education. The programme was co-designed and facilitated by Kemi Oladapo, an ILM certified coach and facilitator with experience coaching diverse people to fulfil their potential, including at the NHS, Advance HE and Sirona Healthcare.
2023: Cross-institutional group coaching programme for postgraduate researchers with parental responsibilities
This pilot programme offered 12 participants the chance to experiment with peer-to-peer discussion, via a facilitated group coaching approach, as a means of sharing strategies employed and the strengths developed as a postgraduate researcher that enabled participants to try and balance study with parental responsibilities. Caring for children and undertaking postgraduate research often involves navigating a system seemingly inhospitable to families, with research expectations that can involve considerable travel and disruption to support networks, while facing rising costs for essentials like childcare that are rarely supported by research grants. Group coaching provided a safe, non-judgmental, mutually supportive space that enabled participants to explore these structural issues as a group and offerred the opportunity for peer-to-peer learning to develop new ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. The programme was co-designed and co-facilitated by Alice Ballantine Dykes, Founding Director of Mama Coaching, and Nic Willcocks, associate coach and facilitator at Mama Coaching.
* Global Majority refers to Black, African, Asian, and Brown people, people of dual heritage, those native to the global south, and / or those who have been racialized as ‘ethnic minorities’. These groups represent approximately 80% of the world’s population.
Please note, this programme was previous called GW4 Connect – Peer Mentorship for Postgraduate Researchers of Colour.