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GW-SHIFT Seminar Series – Exploring green hydrogen production

GW-SHIFT Seminar Series – Exploring green hydrogen production

Green hydrogen is emerging as a cornerstone of the global transition to clean energy. Unlike grey or blue hydrogen, which are derived from fossil fuels, green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy sources, making it a truly sustainable and zero-carbon solution. With the UK’s geography and resources, it represents an area of unique economic opportunity whilst combating climate change.

Join this webinar on Friday 28th February from 12 - 1pm, guided by lead academic Dr James Courtney, lecturer in Hydrogen within Chemical Engineering at Swansea University and theme Lead for hydrogen production for the GW-SHIFT programme. It will explore hydrogen production, delving into the different types, unearthing the opportunities and explaining the challenges of producing it.

Green hydrogen has the potential to play a vital role in decarbonising entire sectors of the economy and mitigating significant environmental risks faced by the planet. UK government has set substantial green hydrogen ambitions, aiming for 10 gigawatts of low-carbon hydrogen by 2030.

In this engaging presentation and discussion, James will explore how we can harness this potential and highlight innovative research and technology in this area.

Whether you’re an industry professional, looking at green policies in a civic organisation, a charity focused on clean energy, a student, or are simply passionate about sustainability, this talk will offer valuable insights into one of the most promising solutions to the climate crisis.

This session is part of the GW-SHIFT programme - the Great Western Supercluster of Hydrogen Impact for Future Technologies (GW-SHIFT) is a unique two country programme to develop and accelerate delivery of impact activities for the emerging hydrogen research and innovation cluster across the South West of England and South Wales. The programme will support these regions to decarbonise different sectors and accelerate the journey to Net Zero. GW-SHIFT is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council as a flagship Place Based Impact Acceleration Account.

Register to attend the online session via Eventbrite 

Further Reading

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter