GW4 Island of Ireland Contemporary History and Politics Network: Politics in and abouts N Ireland since 1998
The Island of Ireland's Contemporary History and Politics Network (IOICHP) funded by GW4 presents a panel discussion on politics in and abouts the north of Ireland since 1998.
It takes place on 24th March, 18:30-20:00, in room 0.22 on the ground floor of the Law Building, Cardiff University.
We are joined by:
- Sinn Féin's Michelle Gildernew, who is a former MP for the party and an MLA in the Stormont Assembly in Belfast, where she held various senior positions on Assembly committees and was Agriculture and Rural Development Minister from 2007 to 2011 during which time she focused heavily on anti-poverty measures in rural communities including making provision for enhanced rural childcare, broadband, rural transport.
- Professor Jonathan Tonge (University of Liverpool), Professor of Politics. Professor Tonge has produced award winning research on multiple aspects of Northern Irish politics including the Democratic Unionist Party and Ulster Unionist Party & Alliance Party (with Oxford University Press). He has previously authored books relating to the Social Democratic and Labour Party alongside Sinn Féin. Prof Tonge researches on wider aspects on devolution and UK politics too. He regularly contributes to the Belfast Telegraph and BBC Northern Ireland politics programmes.
- Dr Jonathan Kirkup (Cardiff University) is a Senior Lecturer in Politics. He specialises on various aspects of UK politics and how Westminster & devolved institutions function. He also works with Dr Leahy on Northern Ireland related projects and specialises on Unionism.
- Jessica Geoffroy (Cardiff University) is a Politics PhD student at Cardiff University who specialises on North-South Irish political relations since 1998, including expertise on the North-South Irish Ministerial Council.
- & Dr Thomas Leahy (Cardiff University) is a Senior Lecturer in British and Irish politics since 1998, who specialises on N.Ireland politics & more specifically Irish Republicanism. His first book The Intelligence War Against the IRA (Cambridge University Press) won the Political Studies Association of Ireland's Brian Farrell Book Prize 2021.
They'll share their views on politics in the north and across the island of Ireland since 1998, including Brexit's impact.
There will be a chance to hear our perspectives and thereafter ask questions in this live and filmed event. You can register to attend via Eventbrite.
Note that this is a live filmed event. If you are keen not to be on camera, it is best not to ask a question in the Q and A session. Please speak with the event organisers if you have any further questions on this at all.
For more on the Island of Ireland's Contemporary History & Politics Network (IOICHP) see our website and our recordings from previous events: