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Community Resilience, Place and Wellbeing in Bristol: A Scoping Study

The overall aim of this collaboration is to explore community cohesion, sense of place and wellbeing across distinct areas of Bristol with the aim of developing a longer-term programme strategy to explore a fostering of resilience across all four GW4 cities. The initial scoping study will be set within three Bristol community areas that all experience high levels of social inequality.

The overall objective is to develop a programme of phased research activity across GW4 cities that investigates community resilience, place and wellbeing and develops and pilots multi-level action plans with key local stakeholders to address some of the key challenges this research will identify.  For this initial seed corn project, the group will work with Bristol City Council to identify key local stakeholders to engage with. In subsequent collaborative research projects, the group will expand their focus to similar areas in other GW4 cities, compiling lessons learned from best practice and sharing the community asset lessons that are transferable across the four GW4 cities.

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter