GW4 AMR Alliance launches pioneering new cross-institutional mentoring scheme for early and mid-career researchers

The GW4 Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Alliance is launching an innovative new, cross-institutional mentorship programme, uniting experts from diverse disciplines across the GW4 institutions of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. The new initiative aims to support early and mid-career researchers working in cross-disciplinary, AMR-related fields, fostering collaboration and development within this critical area of study.
The mentorship scheme is designed to support early-career researchers (ECRs) as they transition to independent research and leadership roles in AMR, as well as mid-career researchers (MCRs) navigating career progression. Mentees will be paired with mentors from outside their home institutions, providing confidential, independent guidance beyond traditional line management structures and hierarchies.
Bringing together just under 300 experts from across the four institutions, the GW4 AMR Alliance builds on the GW4 universities’ strong and diverse portfolio of AMR research, with a particular focus on tackling antimicrobial resistance through an interdisciplinary approach.
The new scheme will leverage this collective research and leadership expertise to enhance professional development opportunities, foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, and facilitate knowledge exchange among researchers at different career stages. It will also create a supportive space for open discussions about the challenges of research careers.
Professor Neil Gow, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Exeter, and chair of the GW4 AMR Alliance mentorship working group, said: “Supporting early and mid-career researchers is crucial for cultivating the next generation of leaders in AMR research. We are usually so busy in our day-to-day jobs that there is little time set aside to reflect, discuss and plan important and personal aspects of our careers in a confidential and structured way. A cross-institutional mentorship scheme will provide that type of confidential guidance, support, and networking opportunities for ECRs and MCRs. This scheme will also help build professional relationships across our GW4 partner institutions. The cross-disciplinary aspect of the scheme will broaden perspectives, and support us in the development of innovation and ‘blue skies’ thinking in line with the ‘One Health’ framework.”
GW4 Alliance Director, Dr Joanna Jenkinson MBE, said: “The cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary nature of the GW4 AMR Alliance mentorship scheme will provide novel mechanisms of career development and support within the field of AMR. By harnessing the collective strengths and expertise of the Alliance, this innovative scheme will support early and mid-career researchers to strengthen their research careers, driving collaboration across the GW4 institutions. I would encourage all those interested to sign-up for this invaluable opportunity.”
How to apply:
The deadline for applications from prospective mentees is midday on Monday 10th February 2025 (extended from Wednesday 5th February). If you’re interested in participating, please sign up via Microsoft Forms.
For further information or questions, please contact
Supporting early and mid-career researchers is crucial for cultivating the next generation of leaders in AMR research. We are usually so busy in our day-to-day jobs that there is little time set aside to reflect, discuss and plan important and personal aspects of our careers in a confidential and structured way. A cross-institutional mentorship scheme will provide that type of confidential guidance, support, and networking opportunities for ECRs and MCRs. This scheme will also help build professional relationships across our GW4 partner institutions.
The cross-disciplinary aspect of the scheme will broaden perspectives, and support us in the development of innovation and ‘blue skies’ thinking in line with the ‘One Health’ framework.”