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GW4 PGR Parents Network launches survey to understand needs and experiences of PGRs with parenting and caring responsibilities

GW4 PGR Parents Network launches survey to understand needs and experiences of PGRs with parenting and caring responsibilities

A group of postgraduate researchers from across the GW4 Alliance of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, and Exeter universities have launched a new survey to better understand the needs and experiences of postgraduate students with parenting and caring responsibilities, in order to inform recommendations for changes and support.  

The survey was launched at a hybrid event ‘PGR Parents: Experiences, Needs and Resources’ held at the University of Bath in February. The session saw both PGR parents, carers, and staff from across the four institutions come together to discuss the needs of PGRs who are also parents and carers, and what could be done to better support these needs.  

Members of the GW4 PGR Parents Network presented their findings from early explorations of current support available for PGR parents at each GW4 institution such as university nursery spaces, events and information/sign posting services. While this highlighted the inconsistencies across the sector and gaps in support, it can also be used as a starting point for identifying areas of good practice and how to replicate these at other institutions.  

A panel of current PGR parents shared their journey and motivations for pursuing postgraduate study including career and research development and wanting to be a role model for their children. Other attendees also described some of the challenges they have faced and continue to manage, including international postgraduate researchers explaining the additional challenges of searching for and trying to secure family accommodation before arriving in the country.  

The GW4 PGR Parents Network was formed by a group of researchers following their participation in a GW4 Connect programme in 2023 titled: ‘Cross-institutional group coaching programme for postgraduate researchers with parental responsibilities’. The programme offered participants the chance to engage with peer-to-peer discussion, via a facilitated group coaching approach, providing a safe space to explore structural issues, share strategies, co-create solutions and foster community-building.  

GW4 Talent and Skills Manager, Dr Sabrina Fairchild, said: “I’m delighted our GW4 Connect programme led to the development of the PGR Parents Network and that GW4 has been able to provide further support and funding for this project. Caring for children and undertaking postgraduate research often involves navigating a system which can seem inhospitable to families. GW4 is committed to supporting our researchers, at all stages of their career. GW4 Connect is part of our wider work around research culture, helping to foster an environment in which research, researchers, and those that enable research, can thrive. This includes our ongoing Childcare campaign calling on government to extend the undergraduate grant and review childcare support for postgraduate students.” 

Katie Riches from the PGR Parents Network, said: "We were so pleased to have a mix of PhD parent carers and representatives from the GW4 universities with us at our launch event in Bath, and joining us online. We are grateful to those who shared their experiences of having the dual role of being PGRs and parent and carers, and to all those present who listened attentively and thoughtfully. We felt there was genuine enthusiasm for holding the conversation about the support needs of PGR parents and carers, and a commitment to work collaboratively to develop an improved experience.  We are looking forward to our next event in June , when we will be sharing the results of our survey and making recommendations for fostering a supportive environment where PGR parents and carers can thrive." 

Funded by the GW4 Alliance, the PGR Parents Network is undertaking a short exploratory project with 3 main aims: 

  1. To gain a greater understanding of support and guidance currently available for PGR parents within institutions.
  2. To collect perspectives on the specific challenges faced by those with parental responsibilities whilst undertaking PhD study.
  3. To raise the profile of this student group amongst policymakers and related university services to inform future planning

The survey is open until 14 March 2025 and forms part of the network’s needs analysis to understand the experiences of PGRs with parenting and/or caring responsibilities at GW4 universities and other universities within the South West region. The results will be shared in a report and at a hybrid event on 2nd June 2025.  

You can complete the survey via Microsoft Forms. 

Further Reading

I’m delighted our GW4 Connect programme led to the development of the PGR Parents Network and that GW4 has been able to provide further support and funding for this project. Caring for children and undertaking postgraduate research often involves navigating a system which can seem inhospitable to families.

GW4 is committed to supporting our researchers, at all stages of their career. GW4 Connect is part of our wider work around research culture, helping to foster an environment in which research, researchers, and those that enable research, can thrive. This includes our ongoing Childcare campaign calling on government to extend the undergraduate grant and review childcare support for postgraduate students.” 

Dr Sabrina Fairchild - GW4 Talent and Skills Manager
University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter