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GW4 PGR Policy Forum



  • Susie Douglas, Co-Director SAMBa CDT and University CDT lead
  • Shyeni Paul, Director of the Doctoral College (Operations)


  • Lucy Parnall, Head of Bristol Doctoral College and Research Strategy
  • Annela Seddon, DTE Director and Associate Professor in Physics


  • Katie Jorgensen, Head of Development, Doctoral Academy
  • Amanda Rouse, Head of PGR Quality and Operations
  • Mandy Tonks, Postgraduate Education Dean (College of Biomedical and Life Sciences)
  • Liz Wren-Owens, Dean of Postgraduate Education (College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences)


  • Fiona Pac-Soo, Assistant Director in Research Services




  • Dr Sabrina Fairchild, GW4 Talent and Skills Manager



University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter