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What's X-CITED?

Xdisciplinary Challenges from Industry for Technical Expert Development (X-CITED) is an EPSRC-funded programme that will develop the skills of Research Technical Professionals (RTPs), supporting them to work with industrial partners in addressing real-world challenges. 

Led by the University of Bath in partnership with the universities of Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter, X-CITED is for RTPs by RTPs. Starting in April 2024, over the next three years, the X-CITED programme will become a regional demonstrator for new approaches to professional skills development for the sector. The project will: 

  • Develop peer networks and Communities of Practice for regional knowledge exchange around key technology specialisms; 
  • Review RTP training opportunities and develop a unique training platform tailored to the needs of RTPs;
  • Create innovative mechanisms to connect industry with RTPs to progress industry challenge projects that deliver real-world impact; 
  • Establish a Talent Bank of trainee RTPs to foster diverse pathways into technical careers and create capacity for senior RTPs to engage with industry; 
  • Deliver a robust evaluation of the X-CITED programme to disseminate key outcomes and learning. 
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Attendee takes part in breakout session

Join us for the X-CITED Kick-off Celebration

To mark the beginning of the X-CITED programme, we invite you to join us at the Marriot Hotel in Bristol on Monday, 16 September 2024, to shape the future of our activities. Learn about the programme and register to attend in the link below.

Find out more

If you’d like to get involved or find out more information about any of X-CITED’s activities, we’d love to hear from you. Just email

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter