GW4 Human Tissue Community

University of Bristol: Susan Ring
Cardiff University: Phil Stephens
University of Exeter: Jacqueline Whatmore (PI)
Project Summary
The Universities of Exeter, Bristol and Cardiff all hold at least one Human Tissue Authority Research Licence. Licenses are overseen by Designated Individuals (DIs) with support from Person(s) Designated (PD), have specific legal responsibilities to ensure that activities undertaken under the licence are compliant with the requirements of the Human Tissue Act. This community aims to establish a network of DIs and PD from the three institutions, to facilitate knowledge sharing, the exchange of best practice and cross institutional support and professional development. They will use the award for network meetings and cross institutional visits. This network will also help to promote the different human tissue collections held across GW4 in detailed leaflets, thereby encouraging collaborations between the institutions that use these valuable resources.
GW4 Human Tissue Community Biobanks (word doc)