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GW4 responds to Select Committee inquiry on Innovation, Growth and the Regions

The GW4 Alliance, the research alliance for the universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter, has submitted its response to the Science, Innovation and Technology Select Committee’s inquiry on Innovation, Growth and The Regions.  

The Select Committee’s inquiry aims to “assess the role of the UK’s innovation ecosystem in achieving the Government’s mission to kickstart economic growth across the country”.  

In its submission, GW4 highlighted the importance of regional collaboration, and made the case that as an alliance GW4 is well placed to offer regional insights about their local innovation economies given the importance of universities as key national innovation assets. However, GW4 also expressed concerns around the historic underfunding of research and development activities across its geography.   

Dr Joanna Jenkinson MBE, Director of the GW4 Alliance, commented: “GW4 is the only university alliance whose geography cuts across two nations of the United Kingdom. Cross-border, inter-institutional and cross-disciplinary innovation and research collaboration is at the heart of GW4 activities.   

“South West England and South Wales has significant R&D assets which would help to deliver on the UK government’s Missions. We have particular research strengths in Net Zero and Green Energy, with more expertise in climate and environmental sustainability here than in any other local region worldwide. We are home to one of Europe’s largest cyber and technology clusters, and our region has world-renowned expertise in creative industries, with Wales and the South West being an established powerhouse in cultural, digital and creative industries 

“Our member universities are four of the UK’s most research-intensive universities, and are well placed to be drivers of innovation across our regional economy. We believe regional innovation clusters are vital to supporting regional growth and the prosperity for local communities.  

“However, there are also challenges faced by our region – particularly around the historic underfunding of R&D across our region, and the current Devolution Agenda not supporting the cross-border and large-scale regional collaboration that is at the heart of everything that GW4 does.  

“We were pleased to have the opportunity to submit written evidence, and we look forward to working with the Committee on this important inquiry.”  


Download GW4's full Response

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter