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GW4-BCR (Brain Cancer Research) From Daffodils to Drugs


In our lifetime, more than 1 in 3 of us will develop cancer of some sort. Fortunately, due to great advances in drug discovery, many of these cases can now be treated. The fight against cancer, however, is not over as many cancers, such as pancreatic, prostate and brain, remain difficult to treat. Furthermore, drug resistance and unwanted side-effects means there is a constant need to develop new drugs. Our research is focused on biologically active compounds found in nature, in particular narciclasine and pancratistatin obtained from the daffodil (narcissus), which exhibit potent and selective anticancer activity against a variety of cancers including the most aggressive form of brain cancer glioblastoma multiforme. This is a critical area since only 10% of patients with Glioblastoma are alive 5 years after diagnosis.


Project summary

The community used the funds primarily for lab-based experiments. They successfully synthesised the target compound and established robust methodology for this process; this will be published for the benefit other researchers in this area and to assist the synthesis of similar compounds for testing. In addition, the community conducted cell-based studies on the natural product narciclasine that generated significant results which will also be published.

Through placements in partner laboratories during these experiments, community members developed new skills and knowledge. Over the course of the project the community consolidated the Brain Cancer research community formed during their previous Initiator Award (GW4 Cancer Research Consortium) and submitted two multi-centre collaborative research grants.

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter