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Papin Prizes open to GW4 universities

Papin Prizes open to GW4 universities

The third round of awards will be announced at the 2019 Higher Education Technicians Summit (HETS 2019), which is taking place at the University of Birmingham on 25th June 2019.

The Papin Prizes recognise the invaluable role played by technicians in Higher Education. Their aim is to raise the professional status of technicians, provide national recognition and reward for excellence in technical services within higher education.

Dr Sarah Perkins, Director of GW4, said: "The GW4 Alliance brings together four of the most research-intensive and innovative universities in the UK: Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. The contributions technicians make across GW4 are essential for us to deliver research and teaching excellence. We would like to encourage staff and students to take this opportunity to nominate their technical colleagues and let them know how much they are valued and appreciated.”

Nominations are invited from universities and research institutes for technicians across all disciplines and the awards cover a variety of categories including research, teaching, outreach and lifetime achievement.

Nominations for the 2019 Papin Prizes can be made by any member of the higher education community including students, staff, collaborators and alumni. To be entered, the technician in question should be currently employed by a UK university on a part-time or full-time, fixed term or permanent basis.

The closing date for this round of the Papin Prizes has been extended to 20th February 2019.

For more information, including judging criteria, and to submit your nomination please visit:

University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter