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Our Communities

Our communities

The GW4 Building Communities Programme aims to build research and innovation communities of scale and capability, delivering a step change in world-class research that could not be achieved by one of the institutions alone. The Programme has two funding schemes:

  • The annual Generator Fund which awards GW4 communities up to £20K for 6 month projects (launched in 2020). This replaced the Initiator (up to £20K for 5 months) and Accelerator (up to £75K for 8 months) funding schemes, which ran from 2014 – 2019.
  • The Development Awards which support new, and advance existing, collaborations across GW4 by funding single activities or resources with up to £5K. This is a rolling scheme, with no closing date.

More details of both schemes, and how to apply, can be found at the links above.

Building Communities funding supports both the creation of new GW4 communities and the development of the strongest ideas emerging from our existing communities, and is open to any academic area. To date, the GW4 Alliance has invested over £3.4M in 125 collaborative research communities, which have generated £87M in research income. This means that for every £1 GW4 spends on collaborative research communities, GW4 captures an impressive £25 in external research awards.


Research integrity

The GW4 Alliance has adopted the Russell Group Research Integrity Statement of cooperation in cross-institutional research misconduct allegations, which aims to support the efforts of researcher communities to foster research integrity (also known as good practice in research or the responsible conduct of research).

Read the Statement


Explore our communities

All communities are listed below in date order (newest first), and can be searched using key words or fund type.
Our “Featured Communities” are from the most recent round of Generator funding.

183 results found
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GW4 Domestic Energy Consumption Group
Energy networks are scaled for a short window of peak demand in the early evening. This is costly for operators, whose infrastructure is essentially over specified most of the time. And there are serious environmental consequences: it is gas and coal power stations that ramp up to meet peak demand.
Community lead

University of Bath: Ian Walker (PI)
University of Bristol: Chris Preist
Cardiff University: Wouter Poortinga
University of Exeter: Aleksander Pavic

July 2016
UK Biobank Research Collaborative
We propose to inform researchers from the four universities about the potential of this biomedical resource and to facilitate collaboration between teams with different areas of expertise in exploring the opportunities this provides.
Community lead

University of Bath: Dylan Thompson
University of Bristol: Cathy Williams
Cardiff University: Jonathan Hewitt (PI), Jeremy Guggenheim
University of Exeter: Jess Tyrell

July 2016
URL – Understanding Religion & Laws: Muslims, Fatwas & Muftis in the UK
Through the work of the project we aim to address the issues of how an inclusive, innovative and reflective society which recognises religious diversity might be further developed.
Community lead

University of Bristol: Julian Rivers
Cardiff UniversitySophie Gilliat-Ray and Mustafa Baig (now Exeter)
University of Exeter: Robert Gleave (PI)

July 2016
Water Security Alliance
Our aim is to create the ‘Water Security Alliance’, a long-term alliance bringing together research excellence, infrastructure and partnerships from the GW4 institutions with expertise in water research.
Community lead

University of Bath: Jan Hofman
University of Bristol: Thorsten Wagener
Cardiff University: Isabelle Durance (PI)
University of Exeter: Zoran Kapelan

July 2016
A Biosocial Approach to Trauma Research
This community’s focus is on psychological and physical health outcomes for individuals exposed to trauma, and the underlying biosocial factors that contribute to those outcomes.
Community lead

University of Bath: Sarah Halligan (PI)
University of Bristol: Abigail Fraser, Stan Zammit
Cardiff University: Stephanie Van Goozen
University of Exeter: Anke Karl

July 2016
Towards a Rapid, Hand-Held Biosensor-Based Detector for Clostridium Difficile
The main impact of our project will be in healthcare, where we propose to tackle the major societal problem of antibiotic resistance by developing a rapid detector for bacterial infection (in our case for Clostridium difficile) that will lead to its appropriate treatment.
Community lead

University of Bath: Pedro Estrela
University of Bristol: Martin Cryan, Andrei Sarua
Cardiff University: Adrian Porch (PI), Les Baillie, Niek Buurma, Simon Pope
University of Exeter: William Leslie Barnes

Tracy Wotherspoon, Microsemi Ltd. (industrial partner)

July 2016
GW4 Network on Advanced Molecular Platforms for Plastic Photonic Technologies (AMPHOTECH)
We will address the development of photonic applications for molecular materials by combining multidisciplinary expertise and perspective from the four South West Universities (Exeter, Bristol, Cardiff and Bath) including plasmonics, nanophotonics, quantum photonics, ultrafast spectroscopy or supramolecular chemistry.
Community lead

University of Bath: G. Dan Pantos
University of Bristol: Sara Nunez-Sanchez, Ruth Oulton, Martin James Cryan
Cardiff University: Stephen A Lynch
University of Exeter: William Leslie Barnes (PI)

July 2016
Pre-Clinical Translational Biomedical Research Network
We offer a unique pipeline of pre-clinical research models highly relevant to human disease and anatomy and state-of-the-art research equipment, with more than 150 biomedical scientists and experts.
Community lead

University of Bath: Tony Perry, Richard Gill
University of Bristol: Raimondo Ascione (PI)
Cardiff University: Chris Marshall, Derek Jones
University of Exeter: John Terry

February 2016
GW4 Biosensor Network
The GW4 Biosensor Network will bring together researchers from different disciplines with an interest on biosensors. Biosensors measure chemical or biological molecules in complex samples (e.g. blood, water, air) for a wide range of applications including medical diagnosis, monitoring of therapies, personalised medicine, drug discovery and water quality control.
Community lead

University of Bath: Pedro Estrela (PI) 
University of Bristol: Mervyn Miles
Cardiff University: Niklaas Buurma
University of Exeter: Peter Winlove 

February 2016
GW4 Cancer Research Consortium
The GW4 Cancer Research Consortium aims to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, by capitalising on the breadth of complementary expertise and high-impact cancer research across GW4.
Community lead

University of Bath: Adele MurrellLorenzo Caggiano (joint PIs)
University of Bristol: Paul Martin, Axel Walther  
Cardiff University: Matt Smalley
University of Exeter: David Allard, Jackie Whatmore, Willie Hamilton 

February 2016
University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter