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Our Communities

Our communities

The GW4 Building Communities Programme aims to build research and innovation communities of scale and capability, delivering a step change in world-class research that could not be achieved by one of the institutions alone. The Programme has two funding schemes:

  • The annual Generator Fund which awards GW4 communities up to £20K for 6 month projects (launched in 2020). This replaced the Initiator (up to £20K for 5 months) and Accelerator (up to £75K for 8 months) funding schemes, which ran from 2014 – 2019.
  • The Development Awards which support new, and advance existing, collaborations across GW4 by funding single activities or resources with up to £5K. This is a rolling scheme, with no closing date.

More details of both schemes, and how to apply, can be found at the links above.

Building Communities funding supports both the creation of new GW4 communities and the development of the strongest ideas emerging from our existing communities, and is open to any academic area. To date, the GW4 Alliance has invested over £3.4M in 125 collaborative research communities, which have generated £87M in research income. This means that for every £1 GW4 spends on collaborative research communities, GW4 captures an impressive £25 in external research awards.


Research integrity

The GW4 Alliance has adopted the Russell Group Research Integrity Statement of cooperation in cross-institutional research misconduct allegations, which aims to support the efforts of researcher communities to foster research integrity (also known as good practice in research or the responsible conduct of research).

Read the Statement


Explore our communities

All communities are listed below in date order (newest first), and can be searched using key words or fund type.
Our “Featured Communities” are from the most recent round of Generator funding.

183 results found
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The Incentives for Conflict & Cooperation
Our GW4 community aims to tackle both the methodological challenges in bringing game theory to bear on economic and political issues where there can be conflict or cooperation, and applying the lessons learned to relevant policy debates.
Community lead

University of Bath: Peter Postl
University of Bristol: Francesco Giovannoni (PI)
Cardiff University: Indrajit Ray
University of Exeter: Rajiv Sarin

February 2016
Children and Young People’s Suicide & Self-Harm Research Collaboration
The collaboration specifically focuses on a key evidence gap, namely the dearth of effective programmes available to schools and their staff in supporting students at risk of self-harm.
Community lead

University of Bath: Paul Stallard
University of Bristol: David Gunnell, Judi Kidger, Becky Mars, Lucy Biddle
Cardiff University: Rhiannon Evans (PI), Jonathan Scourfield, Nina Jacob
University of Exeter: Tamsin Ford, Astrid Janssens, Christabel Owens

February 2016
Developing a Novel Biological Imaging Tool for Biomedical Applications
We aim to tackle the most fundamental challenge in modern protein science by developing a way to see changes in protein structure and flexibility inside cells.
Community lead

University of Bath: Christopher R Pudney (PI), Ventsi Valev
University of Cardiff: Dafydd Jones
University of Exeter: Christian Soeller 

February 2016
GW4 Biosensor Network
The GW4 Biosensor Network will bring together researchers from different disciplines with an interest on biosensors. Biosensors measure chemical or biological molecules in complex samples (e.g. blood, water, air) for a wide range of applications including medical diagnosis, monitoring of therapies, personalised medicine, drug discovery and water quality control.
Community lead

University of Bath: Pedro Estrela (PI) 
University of Bristol: Mervyn Miles
Cardiff University: Niklaas Buurma
University of Exeter: Peter Winlove 

February 2016
GW4 Cancer Research Consortium
The GW4 Cancer Research Consortium aims to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration, by capitalising on the breadth of complementary expertise and high-impact cancer research across GW4.
Community lead

University of Bath: Adele MurrellLorenzo Caggiano (joint PIs)
University of Bristol: Paul Martin, Axel Walther  
Cardiff University: Matt Smalley
University of Exeter: David Allard, Jackie Whatmore, Willie Hamilton 

February 2016
GW4 Coding
The vision of this initiator is to bring together the coding experts of GW4 and others in the region (e.g. Crick at Cardiff Metropolitan, BCS), harness our excellent connections in the cyber security user and policy base to form a powerful research team to be in a position to bid for significant funds.
Community lead

University of Bath: James Davenport (PI) 
University of Bristol: Ian Holyer, Nick Wu
Cardiff University: Pete Burnap
University of Exeter: Richard Everson, Mike Baldwin 

February 2016
GW4 Network on Family, Regulation & Society
The GW4 Network on Family, Regulation and Society aims to find appropriate methods to investigate the new and unexplored ‘delegalised space’ in which disputes on relationship breakdown are now attempted in England and Wales following the withdrawal of legal aid and the encouragement of private settlement.
Community lead

University of Bath: James Davenport, Ian Butler
University of Bristol: Emma Hitchings
Cardiff University: Gillian Douglas, Leanne Smith
University of Exeter: Anne Barlow (PI) 

February 2016
GW4 Astrophysics Community
This project aims to build closer collaboration between the GW4 astrophysics groups. The primary aim is to enhance our impact in the large partnerships that are building the next generation of astronomical observatories, in addition to improving our efficiency by working together.
Community lead

University of Bath: Carole Mundell
University of Bristol: Malcolm Bremer
Cardiff University: Jonathan Davies
University of Exeter: Tim Naylor (PI) 

February 2016
BeDMaSH Behavioural & Decision Making Sciences in Healthcare
This multidisciplinary network brings together expertise from across Operational Research, Decision Sciences, Mathematics, Psychology, Sociology, Implementation Science, Organisational Studies and Public Health to address new methods in understanding and modelling behaviours and decision making in the whole healthcare system.
Community lead

University of Bath: Christos Vasilakis
University of Bristol: Iain Gilchrist
Cardiff University: Paul Harper (PI)
University of Exeter: Martin Pitt

September 2015
The Evidence Information Service Promoting GW4 Research on Evidence Based Policy
The overarching aim of this research is to determine the utility and feasibility of establishing a new UK Evidence Information Service (EIS). The primary goal of EIS would be to act as a rapid matchmaker to connect the UK academic community and policy makers (including parliamentarians) in the service of evidence-based public policy.
Community lead

University of Bath: Hannah Durrant, Julie Barnett
University of Bristol: Deborah Wilson, Georgina Brereton, Alexia MacDonald
Cardiff University: Andrew Kythreotis (PI), Chris Chambers, Gerard O’Grady
University of Exeter: Natalia Lawrence

September 2015
University of Bath
University of Bristol
Cardiff University
University of Exeter